Mini Leonardo Bicycle

  • Mini bicycle 3
  • Mini Bicycle 2
  • Mini Bicycle 1

Product Description

The incredible bicycle image discovered hidden in the Codex Atlanticus folio of Leonardo’s drawings and writings is regarded widely as being done by one of his students, perhaps from a drawing Leonardo had originally made.
There is some controversy as to whether the drawing was even authentic, some think it may have somehow been slipped in at a much later date.
Interestingly, he was drawing bicycle like machines – like a bicycle powered ornithopter, and he had done many drawings of chains and gears – very similar to how a bike would work, so we think he did draw it (and I’m a professional after all…).
It is a testimony to his inventiveness that he designed a bicycle 300 years before anyone was even thinking of self propelled two wheel transport.
This is a great kit for bicycle aficionados, and to inspire you to invent something no one has ever thought up – like a thing that takes one thing and moves it to a different place, but also can generate colourful sounds and help you communicate with people (well, aliens) in a multidimensional universe, while deleting photos that you don’t need anymore. You know…

Product Details

Sug. Retail12.99
Dimension6 x 4 x 18 cm
Age Rating8+
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